Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 is not Worth!?

Some time ago, we had just completed the most awaited TV series fans, The Walking Dead. How do you impress on season 3 yesterday!? Is the story good enough for you, or even less interesting than the previous season!?

How was your assessment, I will honor it. However, for my own, season 3 does not reflect the title of the film. In fact, I see season 3 is much more drama than their original purpose, which is kept running all the time, to find a better life, wherever it is located. It looks like season 3 is pretty decent given the additional title; The Talking Dead.

Please if you protest, because this is my opinion. Well, for the initial episode, indeed they should break before-they-should continue the journey. But, they seem too comfortable in the prison and forgotten their original purpose. Do we have to blame the director for his mistake which does not create a trip in the middle of an episode of The Walking Dead!? Depending on how you look at it.

Moreover, a wave of protests from fans when Lori turned off, this already implies that there is a difference from the comic version. However, on the other hand, we should also realize that in a story, there must be a plot in which the slow down for us, lovers of the story can be more relaxed in exploring the emotions of each character. Instead, the purpose of creating a story, so that we can better understand each players' emotions!? If not, then you should read only version of the comic, I'll be satisfied.

To be honest, I was less interested in reading the comic version of The Walking Dead, as obtained very different emotions when we see them in real action. Seeing how the zombies that approach you and try to tear up your skin and reasonabl experience hard to forget.

So what's the conclusion?? As a fan, of course we hope the story of The Walking Dead 4 later in the season will return to the original point, which is full of death to travel in order to find a better life.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Forcing Loyalty, Commitment Guarantee!?

When loyalty is questionable, how can it trivial so large in the minds of the people?

We call this minority group is too perfectionist in everything. No one did, but if there is a sacrifice in order to realize what minorities are proud, we are worthy to question the extent of his commitment. What if they were in that position? Are they able to deal with pressure directed to them?

Logically, Even if they are able to handle the pressure, whether it can be overcome in a relatively short time?

We're back on the extent of their commitment in the context of life, whether it's romance, business and social relations life days.

Lex dePraxis, a renowned hypnosis expert long enough to learn about the dynamics of human life, both men and women, once said in one e-book phenomenal. He said "everything is a process, the process is everything, and everything is a process not die, even if someone has to die in order to start the process"

You can see how powerful that his writing is full of people power?

You do not have to feel stupid if you can not understand it in the first five seconds. You should think about is, how powerful can beat you up or pass directly into the process of what you want?

Are you able to enjoy the present situation, where you are free to do anything as long as no violation of ethics and guidelines those apply?

Generations before us sacrificed not only their property, but also the lives, blood and pleasures of life in order to see us, future generations can freely enjoy all that they have done.

Or if you want simple, you can instantly become your present without starting the process from within the womb, the baby stage, toddlers, children, teens to be who you are now an adult?

I already know the answer to what comes in your mind even before you had thought to look for the answer.

So how can you expect a change in a person in a short time if you know the habit is ingrained?

So unreasonable.

Everything is a process, even if someone has to die in order to start the process.

Note: The article is dedicated specifically for people who are victims of forced loyalty.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to Writing

Writing is a creative process of one of the many things that happened, which the brain to record all of it and then sends signals through nerves. Therein working hand pressing the buttons on the computer keyboard. Is purely the result of my thinking sense. You will not find wherever you look. Even though Uncle Google will not be able to look, no matter how hard his efforts.

You know it if the situation was very difficult to write and not easy. You must be thinking about the title, it's okay, topics to cover. And it's all obviously takes a lot of time, energy and mind. If you ever look in photo Agatha Christie, the world famous female novelist. He wrote many novels of mystery to the story dubbed the Queen of Mystery. And if you've seen her picture, you will see there is a black mark under his eye that almost touched his cheek because its frequency stayed up late just to finish writing. But this woman had died a few years ago.

You know that reading is a good way to learn to write. A great place to continue to train where else besides you write a blog that is also useful to show off your writing. But of course all that needs to be supported three important elements that will help you to begin to learn to write.

First element: Viewing

One day, you're planning on taking a vacation home grandmother who lived in villages. You want to vacation there to spend the rest of your college living off two weeks away. Once everything is ready, you leave yourself without a friend. On the way, you see a lot of things you've never seen before. The trees that lined neatly as people lined up, then the rice fields and plantations are green, swirling like a snake, views of the mountains and the distant hills ....

You can catch a little piece of the story above? If so, good. But if you might be a little confused and do not understand, I will explain a little.

When you have not seen it all, Do you get the picture? You might be able to, because you see it on TV. But I believe what you see on TV will not ever be the same with if you see it in person. The most obvious example and I'm sure you know many, though not all of them is how JK Rowling get the idea about Harry Potter. The idea came when Rowling was on his way to London by train. During the journey to London, Rowling busy staring at the scenery. Distant mountains, green grass and a herd of cows that eat anymore. Well, when she saw a herd of cows that came the idea of ​​Harry Potter in Rowling's mind. Arriving in London, Harry Potter concept maps more widely until you see today.

Although there is an element of hyperbole from the example above figure of speech, I would like to emphasize the importance for fishing see the response / reaction from your brain. Because, when you see some thing, the brain will respond, and then sends signals to the nerves in several parts of the body, especially the hand that was around. When you look at a keyboard or a pen and paper, you might just do something about those things. You may directly write what you see or maybe postpone it. Why? Because we humans love or happy with the new things that have never existed before.

One question I want to ask: Can you describe how the appearance and body shape father or mother you in writing if you do not ever see them!?

To be continued...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to Easy Twitter Login

Maybe you've been reading my articles what is twitter, well now, I want to help you are still having trouble to log into twitter.

In contrast to facebook, twitter truly be a phenomenal individual. This undeniable proof you can see from the many client or applications that allow you to play twitter. If you are a smartphone user, must be familiar with the names twitter client like Echofon, Ubersocial, TweetDeck, Social Scope, and other twitter client. And if you tweet from the desktop, then the most commonly used is TweetDeck and Twitter itself.

Actually, pretty easy to play twitter. All you need is your full name, e-mail, user name. That's it. Likewise, if you want to make use twitter client. The difference is, you must have an account with the twitter client. Usually it takes only electronic mail and user name.

Well, after that, what should you do??

Take your time to do some important settings that will make your tweeting activity fun. For example, if you are interested to connect your twitter account with your Facebook account!? So that later, what you tweet will appear in your Facebook account, or even vice versa. Then there is also the setting for putting images behind your profile picture, it could be anything. Landscape  your family, pets. And widgets that facilitate you. It was messy, but trust me, you will be greatly benefited.

After the business setting is complete, it's time you try to write a few short sentences. Could be "Hello world", "Hi, I'm newbie here". Or maybe call your friends and tell them if you already have a twitter account and ask them to follow you.

Twitter is a global social media, have very many users, thus creating a lot of opportunities that you can exploit to your advantage. Can be used for business, relationships, looking for consumers, for those of you who can find singles and couples are also looking for workers.

But most importantly, your internet knowledge that much worse so I log into twitter just to need to search on Google!? You are a disgrace Uncle Sam.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What is Twitter

You might ask, why the people are so fond of Twitter!? What is Twitter?? I will answer casually.

Twitter is the social media like facebook is more devoted to daily events around you. If you have an important event at the time, the best way to share with your friends is through twitter. It feels a bit weird if you shared it via facebook. This is my opinion. Let us further.

If you notice, the words that are typical of twitter makes it very appropriate for a daily occurrence. the phrase "what happens" contains a message about what you do now. I mean, what milestones you experienced that moment. It would be very much difference if you share it on facebook, because the sentence does not reflect the typical event message. Facebook typical phrase "what you think" is ideal to use when you're thinking about something and have not found the answer.

Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey in March 2006 when times triumphant Friendster and Facebook whose popularity began to climb. It certainly was not easy, considering twitter to compete with those who first established. For that, they need to offer something that does not exist in both the social media. This is the essence of how to keep your business successful, you have to dare to offer something different and unique.

If Facebook gives quite a lot of words, then twitter only gives you a maximum of 140 words. This is an exciting breakthrough and Jack also develops twitter targeted more towards short messages. At first glance, Jack like playing with fire with social media that he developed with his friend. And this is indeed the case. Twitter requires substantial time to become well-known as it is today. Honestly, I am still curious how Jack Twitter to promote stability in the midst of Friendster and Facebook are fun appeal. You want to tell a story, but are limited to 140 characters. Is not that a bitch!? And what's the difference with ordinary sms!? Here the genius of a Jack Dorsey.

As we know, everyone is happy with all the things that are free or paid. If you have to spend money to get in touch with friends via text, why not just once your money out!? I mean, you are spending so much more when you have to pay the internet bill, and the cost for sms too. Well this is the chance of being picked up by Jack Dorsey.

In the end, Twitter Jack Dorsey made a new milliuner abundant wealth. Then, if you already know how to easy twitter login!?

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Biggest Bullshit of A Charity

Doing good for others is highly recommended that you get the happiness you desire. By doing good in the form of charity, your life would be nice. It gives a satisfaction that is difficult to understand by other people who are lazy in doing charity. It is appropriate that we share what we have with others in need, because we do not have the time we need, others will soon help.

If you are very heavy in charity, there is the easiest thing you can do, is smile. Smiling is the most charitable cheap when you are not in the best condition to do charity. But it would be nice if you set aside some property for someone else. Believe with me, your property will not be reduced simply because you do good. You do not need to donate too much, just 2.5% of the total assets that you have. That was enough. If your total assets of $100,000.00, then you just pull out a treasure to charity about $2,500. A very small number compared to the rest of your treasures!

Unfortunately, in charity, some people see it as something that does not need to be done. I think the reason they are so unreasonable.

"They later lazy"
"Do not get used to"
"Who told lazy to work"

And a myriad of other bullshit excuse that they essentially circumvent the obligation to help others.

They seem to forget that we, humans, are social creatures who can not live without the help each others. Who says they are lazy to work!? They actually did not want to take these actions. But they had to, because they do not have other options. Do you think life is as easy as turning the palm of the hand!?

Instead you say other people are lazy, why do not you try to help them get a job!? It also forms in terms of charitable services. There is no reason for us to circumvent the obligation to help each others. Anyone who ever help you at this time, it's nothing more than fringe because you've helped them. Or maybe, they have a hidden agenda when it is willing to help you. Who knows.

In essence, in charity, do not look at whether the person is worth it or not get help. Most importantly, if you simply have a heart for helping others and had the brains to develop your mind that one day you will be like him.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Douglas Adams is Gay!?

Douglas Adams is the figure that has long been in the news in some media as the works that he produced. Not many people know Mr. Adams because of his work as a writer. Mr. Adams was born in March 11, 1952. Years were very unpleasant for small Adams. Writing talent had been seen since childhood when he first wrote about anything. His career rose when writing a phenomenal book titled, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is already in the lift to the big screen.

Adams began his career while working in the BBC radio comedy in 1978. Newcomers should, of course not easy for the young Adams to do his job the first time. Faced so many obstacles that moment he was about to be fired. Fortunately, she was given a chance and was quite successful there. Having had enough experience, Adams quit his job and start a career as a writer.

Writing is not easy for Adams, let alone write something that other people do not necessarily accept it. During his search, he finally found a pretty good idea. The idea for the book related to the theme of technology and space, which at that time in the USA, the themes related to space technology and being loved by people. Eventually he began to write and give the title of his book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". The title is odd if you ask my opinion. Hitchhikers!?

Who would have thought, it turns out his book and became a phenomenal success in the book industry. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy sold more than 15 million copies during his lifetime. In addition to writing books, Adams also co-wrote the television series of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, several scripts for opera, comic books and video games for the version.

In addition, there are still several other Adams works, such as Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul. Then formed a partnership wrote The Meaning of Liff, Last Chance to See and three stories for the television series Doctor Who. And lastly, there is one book that he has not been completed, the novel The Salmon of Doubt in 2002. Adams died in 2001 at the age of 49.

Do want have copies of Adams novel!? Go find out at Amazon Douglas Adams Novel